The biblical definition of Joy:
“Joy is a cheerful calm delight and rejoicing in a particular circumstance.”

When we are faced with circumstances in life that are less than enjoyable, our natural tendency is to think the worst. However, under the influence of the Spirit, we realize that God intends these circumstances to be for our good. As a result of this realization, our proper response from God will be to remain calm and delight in our “less-than-enjoyable” circumstances.

The definition of Frustration:
“A rejection or unhappy refusal in the circumstances of life.”

Unlike the leading of the Spirit, which will cause us to express joy when life’s circumstances seem bad, the outside influence of the enemy will lead us to express unhappiness toward or reject these same circumstances. When you yield to one over the other, it is important that you monitor your “joy meter”. Are you able to handle more of your difficult circumstances under the influence of joy? Or, do your find yourself frustrated regularly at every little thing that goes wrong? If so, then you are yielding to the work of the flesh-Frustration. However, only you can choose your response to the circumstance of life. Choose to exhibit joy in your life’s circumstance! Then leave it in God’s hands to work it all out.

One of the biggest frustrations in life has been in my own family relationships and my refusal to accept life’s circumstances. As a child I felt  singled out as the bad or evil child in the family. Like any child I had my share of bad behavior.  I think my worst behavior was from anger; acting out due to my feelings of unjust treatment to what I perceived was crueler than how my sisters were treated.

I was fortunate to have accepted the Lord into my life at the age of 13. I remember feeling wonderful and clean that God had forgiven all of my sins. I could not understand why my family would not forgive me if God forgave me. Continuing to view me as the bad child and not believing in me. I was a new baby in Lord and didn’t understand the consequences of my choice to be joyful or not in all circumstances.  Colossians 1:10-12

When I married I hoped to have a better relationship with my husband’s family. I hoped it would be better than the family I came from. Marrying very young I tried too hard to fit in. I was sadly disappointed to find out that they were rejecting me, politely poking fun of my immaturity and ignorance. Once again I refused to accept my circumstance joyfully and became depressed. I then turned to my children for comfort thinking I could make things better with them. I indulged them and tried to make them my friends hoping this would cause them to love me more.  I was sadly disappointed when they grew into rebellious teens due to my lack of proper boundaries.

Behaviors have consequences. As Paul says, “A man reaps what he sows” Galatians 6:7-8. If we study hard in school we will reap good grades. If we work hard and show up on time we will get a paycheck. If we act lovingly toward others we will have closer relationships. On the other hand if we are idle, irresponsible, have out of control behavior we can expect poverty and failure. In my past circumstance of co-dependance without proper boundaries I can expect failure. These are natural consequences of our behavior.

The problem comes when someone interrupts the law of sowing and reaping in another’s life. “Stern discipline awaits him who leaves the path” Proverbs 15:10. To rescue people from the natural consequences of their behavior is to render them powerless.

Parable of the Butterfly:

A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to force its body through that little hole.

Then it seemed to stop making any progress. It appeared as if it had gotten as far as it could, and it could go no further.

So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bit of the cocoon.

The butterfly then emerged easily. But it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

The man continued to watch the butterfly because he expected that, at any moment, the wings would enlarge and expand to be able to support the body, which would contract in time.

Neither happened! In fact, the butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around with a swollen body and shriveled wings. It never was able to fly.

What the man, in his kindness and haste, did not understand was that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required for the butterfly to get through the tiny opening were God’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings so that it would be ready for flight once it achieved its freedom from the cocoon.

Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. If God allowed us to go through our lives without any obstacles, it would cripple us.

We would not be as strong as what we could have been. We could never fly!

I asked for Strength………And God gave me Difficulties to make me strong.

I asked for Wisdom………And God gave me Problems to solve.

I asked for Prosperity………And God gave me Brain and Brawn to work.

I asked for Courage………And God gave me Danger to overcome.

I asked for Love………And God gave me Troubled people to help.

I asked for Favors………And God gave me Opportunities.

I received nothing I wanted ……..And everything I needed!

Princicple #7 of 10 Principles to Conquer Stubborn Habits:

Our Sinful Habits Do Hurt Those Who Follow Us . . .

This is including the sinful habit of rejecting our life’s circumstance, living in frustration and depression. Not choosing the Joy of the Lord. One of the lies from the father of lies (the devil) is that no one is watching or caring, so no one is affected by my behavior. Since the dawn of time he has deceived us into believing that our behavior will only affect, hurt, or damage ourselves. Romans 14:7 says “For none of us liveth to himself, and no man dieth to himself.”


Today, I and from now on, I choose to allow my life to have a profound effect of the goodness of God on others. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice. I want to make better choices of good Godly habits that include the Joy of the Lord. To accomplish this I plan to put on the full armor of God and to renew my mind daily with the washing of the water of the word of God.  I plan to hide Gods word in my heart through memorization and mediation of God’s Word. I choose to be helpful to others, by allowing God to work in the lives of others not rescuing them from the natural consequences that God has placed in all our lives.


Supporting Scriptures:

Ephesians 6: 10-20 “Full armor of God”

Romans 12: Whole Chapter (Renew your mind)

Ephesians 5:25-27 (Washing through the water of the Word)

2 Timothy 2:15 (Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.)

Psalm 119:11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.

Psalm 1 (who meditates on his law day and night.)